Find information on the classrooms and teachers at Bell Middle School.
Welcome! Our math team is so excited to welcome our bobcats back to school this fall!
- Khan Academy for extra help understanding content
- Google Classroom to access assignments and due dates
- Infinite Campus to check grades
Below is information about each teacher, the classes they teach and links to pacing guides.
Ashlyn Day
Sixth-Grade Math Teacher
Feel free to email me if you need anything!
Pacing guide
John Leinweber
Seventh-Grade Math Teacher
Contact me via email or Google chat
Pacing Guides:
Nadette Sena
Eighth-Grade Math Teacher
If you need help outside of class, please email me so we can find a time that works for us both.
Pacing guides
Humanities and iSTEM Electives
Bell Middle School has unique and engaging elective classes available in both of our academic pathways of Humanties & iSTEM.
Sixth Grade Teams
Team Maroon Bells
Welcome to Team Maroon Bells!
Team Telluride
Welcome to Team Telluride!
Ashlyn Day
Sixth-Grade Math Teacher
Feel free to email me if you need anything!
Pacing guide
Seventh Grade Teams
Team Red Rocks
Team Mesa Verde
Eighth Grade Teams
Team Pikes Peak
Team Sand Dunes
Welcome to Team Sand Dunes!
Nadette Sena
Eighth-Grade Math Teacher
If you need help outside of class, please email me so we can find a time that works for us both.
Pacing guides