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Social Emotional Learning

Our mission is to create a warming, welcoming place where students, families and staff members of Bell come to learn more about Social Emotional Learning (SEL), our lessons for the year, in-house resources and available community resources.

Watch Social and Emotional Learning Video

Emergency Resources

If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, call 911.

If what you are experiencing is not an emergency, please use one of these resources below:

Colorado Crisis Line 

Safe to Tell

National Suicide and Crisis Hotline:

  •  988

LGBTQ+ Suicide and Crisis

Social Emotional Learning in Jeffco

Jeffco Public Schools creates and maintains a positive climate and culture in schools that is inclusive and safe for students, families and staff. With a commitment to empowering successful and productive citizens,  the district supports the growth of students through leveled, evidence-based implementation of social emotional learning programming.

What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which students and adults gain and apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to deal effectively with daily tasks and challenges.

Jeffco has adopted the five core competencies of SEL outlined by the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL). 

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Skills
  • Responsible Decision-Making (CASEL, 2020)

SEL happens in safe and supportive school, family and community environments that support development and provide opportunities and recognition for successfully applying skills.

Why SEL Matters

Independent research studies confirm that teaching Social Emotional Learning helps students to be more successful in school and beyond. Here are some benefits of teaching SEL:

  • Improved attitudes about self, others and school
  • Positive classroom behavior
  • Eleven percentile-point gain on standardized achievement tests
  • More likely to graduate from high school and complete a college degree
  • More likely to obtain stable employment in young adulthood
  • Fewer behavior conduct problems and lower drug use
  • Less likely to be living in public housing or receiving public assistance
  • Less likely to be involved with the police
  • Less likely to be in a detention facility

(Source: CASEL)

Student and Parent Websites

Resources for Necessary Items and Food

Rachel's Boutique

At Bell Middle School, our previous students created Rachel's Closet, a room set aside for clothing donations for our students in need. This is a project inspired by Rachel's Challenge, the first victim of the Columbine school shooting in 1999.

The room has been updated and is now set up like a little boutique, with brand-new and gently used items to choose from. 

Contact the SELS, a counselor or your child's teacher to learn more or request your child go shopping in the room. It is for all students!